Your Home Sold in 30 Days
or I Pay You $2,000

While every agent will promise to sell your home, the reality of the real estate market today is that this simply doesn’t always happen. The fact of the matter is, the majority of homes listed for sale sit on the market for months, and many of these homes never sell at all. Needless to say, this is highly frustrating to a homeseller like you. But more than this, it can be financially crushing if you’re counting on the sale of your home to fulfil some other obligation.

Well, I set myself apart from most agents by being accountable to you. In other words, I don’t just promise to sell your home, I guarantee it. My 30 Days or I Pay You $2,000 Guarantee is as simple as this: I guarantee to have an offer accepted on your home within 30 days or I will pay you $2,000 cash when it sells. If your home sits on the market for longer than 30 days from the time we list it, I will continue to market it aggressively but pay you $2,000 cash upon its sale. As you can see, I put my money where my mouth is. Instead of making you empty promises, I give you a written guarantee of performance and if I don’t live up to this agreement, I pay you $2,000 cash.

Get free instant access to a free special report that explains my Guaranteed Sale Program in more detail by completing the form on this page.

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